Emil Abraham

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News Packages

News packages An online story package is not simply a news article that’s been uploaded to a Web site with perhaps a single photo accompanying it, instead, an online story that uses multiple media...

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Technological determinism

Technological determinism is a reductionist theory that aims to provide a causative link between technology and a society’s nature. It tries to explain as to whom or what could have a controlling...

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Gerbner’s Model

Mr. George Gerbner is one of the pioneers in the field of communication research. His works are descriptive as well as very easy to understand any other before. He is working as a professor and...

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The Newcomb’s Model

The New Comb’s model of communication was introduced by Theodore M Newcomb of the University of Michigan in 1953. He gives different approach to the communication process. The main purpose of this...

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Osgood-Schramm’s Model

Wilbur Schramm proposed the model of communication in 1954. Schramm, a leading communication expert, has provided an overview of the elements and processes of communication to explain how these...

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Lasswell's Model

Harold Dwight Lasswell, the American political scientist states that a convenient way to describe an act of communication is to answer the following questionsWhoSays WhatIn Which ChannelTo...

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Berlo's SMCR Model

In 1948, the Bell System Technical Journal published a Communication Cycle model, developed by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver. This model was initially developed to improve technical...

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Shannon and Weaver Model

Shannon Weaver model of communication was created in 1948 when Claude Elwood Shannon wrote an article "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" in Bell System Technical Journal with Warren Weaver....

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Rhetoric Model

Aristotle (384-322 B.C) was a Greek philosopher and writer born in Stagira, Northern Greece. He was also the teacher of Alexander the Great. He studied physics, logic, mathematics, etc. While...

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The 7 Cs of Communication

The seven C’s of communication is a list of principles for written and spoken communications to ensure that they are effective. The seven C’s are: clear, correct, complete, concrete, concise,...

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Communication Barriers

Communication is one of our basic needs. We require to communicate with many people for personal and professional purpose. But while communicating we may face many hurdles or problems. Sometimes...

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Introduction to Communication

Context How did humans develop the ability to communicate? Are humans the only creatures on earth that communicate? What purpose does communication serve in our lives? Answers to these historical,...

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