Segments in a news story

When planning a news story for television production, several segments come together to create a cohesive and engaging narrative. Here are short notes on the different segments commonly used in news production:
Introduction (Intro):
  • The introduction sets the tone and provides a brief overview of the news story.
  • It should be concise, engaging, and grab the viewers' attention.
  • The intro may include a headline or lead sentence that summarizes the main point of the story.
  • It is often delivered by the news anchor or reporter.
Opening Shot:
  • The opening shot is a visually appealing image or video clip that captures the essence of the story.
  • It serves to draw viewers in and create interest from the very beginning.
  • The shot should be carefully chosen to convey the subject matter and evoke emotions.
Sound on Tape (SOTs):
  • Sound on Tape refers to recorded audio segments that feature interviews, statements, or relevant sounds.
  • SOTs provide firsthand accounts, expert opinions, or comments from individuals involved in the story.
  • They add credibility and human interest to the news report.
  • SOTs are typically accompanied by corresponding video footage.
  • Teasers are brief promotional clips or statements used to generate interest and anticipation for upcoming news stories.
  • They are inserted strategically throughout the broadcast to tease upcoming segments.
  • Teasers are designed to pique viewers' curiosity and entice them to stay tuned.
Piece to Camera (PTC):
  • A PTC involves the reporter or anchor delivering information or analysis directly to the camera.
  • It is typically filmed on location at the scene of the story or in a relevant setting.
  • PTCs provide additional context, narration, or insights that enhance the understanding of the story.
  • They can serve as transitions between different segments or introduce new angles of the report.
Voice Over (VO):
  • Voice over is the narration provided by the reporter or anchor that accompanies video footage.
  • It provides essential information, explanations, or commentary.
  • VO is often used to bridge gaps in the visual storytelling or to emphasize key points.
  • It helps guide the viewers through the story and maintain continuity.
  • Packaging involves combining different elements of the news story, such as visuals, interviews, and voice over, into a cohesive segment.
  • It is the final presentation of the story, ensuring it flows smoothly and effectively communicates the information.
  • Packaging aims to engage the audience, maintain their interest, and provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
  • It may include additional graphics, visuals, or on-screen text to enhance the storytelling.
Planning a news story for television production involves careful consideration of various segments to create a compelling and informative report. From the introduction and opening shot to sound on tape (SOTs), teasers, piece to camera (PTC), voice over (VO), and packaging, each segment serves a specific purpose in engaging the audience and conveying the news effectively. By combining these elements thoughtfully, news producers can create engaging and impactful stories for television viewers.